Authors » Abstract Guidelines

  • All abstracts are to be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF) online via this website. Abstracts will not be accepted via email, fax or post.
  • The deadline of 12 September 2023 at 23:59 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA is a firm deadline.
  • ***IMPORTANT***: Begin your abstract with specific novelty claim(s): what you have achieved for the first time, and/or how your work advances the state of research. Reviewers will judge your abstract based on how your experimental/theoretical results support your novelty claim(s).
  • All abstracts will be considered for both Oral and Poster Sessions unless the submitting author specifically requests a Poster presentation.
  • All authors and affiliations are given at the time of obtaining an Abstract Reference Number and all conflicts of interest are selected on the form.
  • Unpublished references are submitted at the time of abstract upload.
  • Two-page limit – US Standard 8.5 x 11 inches or A4 Standard is both acceptable.
  • Please make sure that your Abstract Reference Number (4-digits) appears in the upper right-hand corner, your primary category choice appears in the upper left-hand corner and your request for “Poster” presentation appear in the center, if applicable.
  • Title and all of text must fit on the first page, as outlined in the sample abstract.
  • No authors or affiliations should be listed as outlined in the Double-Blind Review Information page as well as the abstract template.
  • The text (title and section headers and references not included) is limited to no more than 600 words and please indicate the word count at the bottom of your abstract.
  • All figures and tables should appear on the second page.
  • Make sure that all figures and photographs are clearly visible. Be aware that reviewers may work on grey scale printouts of your abstract and if the program committees cannot clearly see and understand the role of the visual material included in the abstract, the material and consequently the abstract likely will be viewed negatively.
  • References (in short format) can go on either page.
  • The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.
  • Upon acceptance of your abstract, it should be understood that:
    1. One author from your paper is required to register and present your paper at the IEEE MEMS 2024 Conference.
    2. You are required to submit your four-page manuscript by Tuesday, 21 November for placement in the technical digest.
    3. Registration will be completed and paid upon submission of final manuscript by Tuesday, 21 November.